Friday, September 26, 2014

I Volunteer as Tribute.

MisterKidd is spending time with his friends tonight (smoke a pipe, talk about Jesus, pound your chest), and there is only one thing on my mind.


I have voluntarily chosen to be solely responsible for all of the Kidd children's learning endeavors from now until college. I think my head is going to explode from that pressure.

As I have mentioned before, I have a degree in education. I've always wanted to be a teacher.  I didn't just play baby dolls as a little girl; I lined the baby dolls up, gave them worksheets (bad pedagogy, I am now reformed), and took grades. I loved going to school, reading, and doing homework, and I couldn't wait to have my own set of little people to teach. College came, and choosing my major was a non-issue.

At the same time, I knew God was calling me to stay home with my then non-existent children. It was always my hope to spend my time managing my home and raising my children (yes, I knew this as a single college freshmen). So I was curious to see how those two dreams would coincide.


MisterKidd and I love the idea of child-based education. Not so much, "OK, kids, what do you want to learn today?" But more like tailoring the education to the child, teaching them to be adults in the world with us by letting them be in our world. Teachers are taught in teacher school to teach the child rather than the subject, but that is almost impossible when you have 80 students for only 9 months, then you give them up for another set of 80. There is only so much relationship-building and life-altering that can happen.

The solution was clear. These not-yet-born kiddos would be formally taught at home. I have the education and the resources to make it a great experience. We discerned that this was God's plan for our family. Then, God gave us the family.

With Big Girl's 2nd birthday approaching, I am dipping my toe in the water of teaching her some skills that are more academic. I have been researching online, asking friends who homeschool or plan to, and praying (a lot), but this is flashing in my mind like a big, gaudy neon sign:


Internal Rant: What did I sign up for? I can't teach them everything they need to know BY MYSELF in only 18 years. It took about 50 people to teach me all the things I learned. I have a degree in Mid-Level Education, like 9-14 year olds. Maybe I should get some kids that are 10 and teach them how to construct a paragraph. How can I teach these babies how to read??? Why didn't I major in Early Childhood and then just wing it after elementary til they went to college? That would have been more streamlined. And there is so much information out there. What's crap? What's gold? What should I buy? What should I make? What am I going to use all those toilet paper rolls I've been saving for???


But then I remember that Big Girl knows "A." And the other day, she made a mark on the magnadoodle that kinda looked like an "A" and called it an "A." I can do this. I taught her "A," and I'll teach her more letters, and colors, and numbers, and with prayer and patience, we will complete this fabulous journey that I am 100% called to and on my way to being equipped for. It will be hard and confusing and amazing to mark all over these blank slates that God has entrusted to me.

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