Monday, September 1, 2014

What to Expect When You're Expecting (...a new post from me)

Many moons ago, when I first started reading blogs, I came across a post from Shalom Mama about home organization. The concept was based on a quote that I can't quote (I also can't find her post, but you're welcome to try). Paraphrase: If it isn't beautiful or functional, get rid of it.

If the item isn't pleasant to look at, useful in daily life, or both, it doesn't have a place in your house. This really stuck with me, and that's what my posts will be about.  Beautiful, functional things.

Implied Reader Question: "What does that mean? Will you just be writing about your stainless steel toaster all the time?"

No, dear reader. Here me out.

What to Expect When You're Expecting (...a post from me)

1 Family: 

As a SAHM, it's obvious that I'm passionate about my family. I am inordinately obsessed with my husband, so posts about marriage and my interactions with the bearded wonder (MisterKidd) will appear. 

This mom job is serious business. These tiny people bring me so much joy, but raising them is a mind-boggling process. I will likely include some fun anecdotes from daily life with them (maybe a birth story or two, if you're into that sort of thing), but you won't hear much about them as people. I'm not trying to be mysterious, but I don't want them to have Internet identities until they are old enough to manage them.

2 "Greenish" Living:

Turquoise. Mint. Robin's Egg. Colors that are green if you stare at them hard enough. That's where I'm at in my green journey. I'll call it "greenish."  I birth naturally, breastfeed, cloth diaper, babywear, and follow a loose baby led weaning process, but I consider myself a Jane-of-all-trades, master-of-none in these areas. I can kick it with the medicated-birthing, formula feeding, 'sposie using, Gerber-feeding mamas just as easily. I buy mostly whole foods for my family, but MisterKidd and I totally had Hardee's for dinner after the kiddos went to bed last night. I make my own laundry soap but buy commercial in other areas. So whether you're Neon Green, "greenish" (like me), or totally black, surely you can find something to relate to here.

My nightstand while fighting one case of silent reflux with nasal congestion, one fever rash, two viruses, and a myriad of emerging teeth. 50% OTC, 50% natural. Plus a copy of HP1, to keep me grounded and sane. 

3 Intentional Living:

Whatever we're into as a family is done at 100%. If our family had a motto, it would be "try hard." Reflecting on what we're doing and figuring out ways to make it better is a past time for MisterKidd and me. Many of our more "greenish" and economical choices have started with a statement like this: "We could save soooo much money if we..."

You might see posts about meal planning, freezer cooking, daily schedules, our new friend, Dave Ramsey,  DIY projects, and other endeavors to make the best use of our time during these evil days (Ephesians 5:16).

4 Jesus:

Above all else, I am free from sin and a slave to Christ. All of my posts will be driven by the fact that my life is not my own, and my time is spent in an effort to bring glory to God. 

This will not primarily be a blog about theology, but because my theology infiltrates my life, it will definitely come up, especially because we are a ministry family--MisterKidd is on the elder team of a church plant and works for a Christian non-profit. (That's right, SAHM and pastor's wife. Can I be any more cliche?)  A lot of my daily life includes ministering to the forgotten alongside my husband in our "city of churches," so expect posts about how my faith informs my daily life.

This blog will feature posts on anything and everything in my life that has beauty and function. I hope to live purposefully, reflectively, and intentionally, and I want to share my journey on this little corner of the Internet. 


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