Tuesday, March 8, 2016


**Alternate Title: "I can't believe I'm putting the word 'hemorrhoids' on the internet."

A member of my Plexus team is working on a testimony project, and she asked that we post a selfie and include what Plexus products and a healthier lifestyle have given us freedom from. I saw this as a good opportunity to share my Plexus story with the world. Here goes!

About 14 months ago, I began seeing posts on social media about Plexus Slim, which seemed to be comparable to Slim Fast and other "get skinny quick" products. I was spending my days grumpy and fatigued from having 2 under 2, so I ignored these posts, which I was sure were designed to mock me and my post-partum body.

Then I started to see posts about Plexus from people I trusted, people who I knew took good care of their bodies, people who didn't even have problems maintaining a healthy weight. I knew it had to be something more, so I started listening.

Some of these people struggled with eczema and skin issues (me too), some dealt with depression and anxiety (*raises hand*), and others had suffered from digestive issues (I thought this was normal...). I was really intrigued now.

I looked into the products and learned that they were natural, dye-free, sugar-free, and plant-based, all things that are important to me. They are supplements, just like you would find in a health store or the vitamin aisle at Kroger, but they are designed in a way that helps each ingredient do its job well.

In January of 2015, MisterKidd and I embarked on a grain-free, semi-paleo journey. We stuck with that for several months and put Plexus on the back burner because **our baby weight was falling off. We started to plateau in our results around May, which was when we decided to take the leap and try Plexus. We were looking forward to the results of taking Plexus and eating a grain-free, sugar-free diet. Would be super humans, able to leap tall toddlers in a single bound???

Not so much. After six weeks, we admitted that we did have increased energy throughout the day without coffee, and we were sleeping through the night for the first time in 3 years, but the price was just too much strain on our budget, and we felt like we could do just as well on our own. So we invoked the 60 day money back guarantee, and kept moving.

After we stopped taking Plexus, we fell off the paleo band wagon. It was a slow fall, so it took months to notice that we weren't feeling great anymore (we weren't even feeling good) and the weight crept back a pound at a time.

In January, when the world is full of hopes and possibilities for the new year, we reevaluated and decided to be stricter with our grain-free diet. And it was hard to start it back up again. I'm not even sure why. Then, I went through a slump, which turned into a trench, and then I finally hit the rock bottom of anxiety. I wasn't eating much, I had a hard time getting out of bed, and I developed ulcerative colitis. This was not a good place to be with two littles to care for every day. I prayed and read and talked with my husband and shared my burden with the ladies in my church, and God restored my soul and helped me to keep going.

One thing MisterKidd and I had decided during that rebuilding period was that I should give Plexus another shot. During those months after trying it, I continued to read the stories and celebrate the successes of people who had tried it. I was learning that poor gut health is linked to endless physical and mental issues, and that it is almost impossible to heal your gut through diet alone. The first time I tried Plexus, I was looking to maintain my new slim figure and lose the last few pounds. This time, I needed help having the energy to get off the couch and be present with my children.

I began the Triplex combo on January 26th. That was 6 weeks ago today, and I'm amazed at the changes I'm feeling. Have I lost a ton of weight? No, maybe a couple pounds, if that. But a few other things have happened, things I didn't know could be corrected, things I thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life.

I replaced my morning coffee with Plexus Slim, and I have the energy I need to get through my day with my littles minus the daily afternoon crash and headache.

I have clear skin for the first time in seven years; my cystic acne has almost completely healed.

I have relief from the digestive issues I've suffered from my entire life, including, but not limited to, chronic hemorrhoids, constipation, and upset stomach from basically anything heavier than a salad. And sometimes even a salad.

I can't say that I've had complete relief from anxiety because there are so many factors that cause those slumps, but I will say that those bad days have been significantly fewer in the last six weeks. Is this due to better gut health? Maybe...

These things alone are enough to keep me taking Plexus and sharing my results, and I'm only six weeks in. I can't wait to see what sustained gut health, a whole food diet, and like, maybe exercising someday soon will do for my body. (I have commitment issues with that last one. Ha.)

Got questions? Ready to get started? I'll be here all week.

**Yes, we both had baby weight.